The APCCMPD strives to support the career development and academic advancement of training program directors, program faculty, and staff.

The APCCMPD has partnered with the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) to create a unique experience designed to strengthen Pulmonary, CCM and PCCM educators’ knowledge of, and encourage stronger participation in, medical education and medical education research.

Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC)

APCCMPD’s Partnership with the AAMC supports medical educators in their pursuit to:

  • Learn the purposes and processes of medical education research
  • Become informed consumers of medical education research literature
  • Be effective collaborators in medical education research

At the completion of the MERC @ APCCMPD Scholars Program, learners will be better able to:

  • Demonstrate a foundational understanding of social science and educational research methods and the statistical strategies to support education research by conducting a scholarly research project focused on a challenge in medical education.
  • Read and analyze articles in primary journals on medical education.
  • Collaborate with peers and serve as mentors to others who are interested in medical education research.
  • Formulate a strong research question, hypothesis, and methods consistent with rigorous research techniques in this area.
  • Embrace their responsibility as professionals in academic medicine by being contributors of education research to the field.

MERC Workshop 1: Introduction to Qualitative Data Collection Methods

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM

$350 Member / $500 Non-Member
Registration is open to the first 25 attendees (APCCMPD reserves the right to cancel the course due to low enrollment)

In this workshop, participants will brainstorm research ideas, write, and refine a measurable research question. They will discuss when IRB approval is required for their study. The basics of research design will be discussed and applied to their selected research question. After participating in this workshop, learners will be better able to:

  • Write a FINER (feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, relevant) educational research question.
  • Specify an educational research area of interest.
  • Evaluate whether they need IRB approval for their study.
  • Select the correct design for their research question.

MERC Workshop 2: Measuring Educational Outcomes with Reliability and Validity  

FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 2024
2:00 - 5:00 PM

$350 Member / $500 Non-Member 
Registration is open to the first 25 attendees (APCCMPD reserves the right to cancel the course due to low enrollment)

This workshop will provide some basic principles in questionnaire/survey design and give workshop participants an opportunity for hands-on experience designing a questionnaire. At the end of the workshop the participants will be better able to:

  • Design a blueprint for a survey/questionnaire appropriate to their own application.
  • Construct and edit questions to avoid common problems in wording and framing.
  • Select an appropriate response format from a menu of alternatives.
  • Design the overall format of the survey/questionnaire to facilitate data management and analysis.

Register now and learn more 



Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC)
Friday, April 26, 2024
Offered Virtually


Introduction to Qualitative Data Collection Methods
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Eastern
$350 Member

Measuring Educational Outcomes with Reliability and Validity 
2:00 - 5:00 PM Eastern
$350 Member

(APCCMPD reserves the right to cancel the either course due to low enrollment)