APCCMPD Abstract Awards

APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research

The APCCMPD Award for Medical Education Research recognizes pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care medicine Training Program Directors, Associate Program Directors, Clinical Faculty, and Fellows-in-Training for their outstanding contributions and commitment to medical education research. The recipient is selected for conducting innovative research focused on undergraduate or graduate medical education in pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care medicine.

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 Accepting Abstracts: August 1 - November 1, 2024

APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation

The APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation recognizes outstanding contributions to fellowship medical education and training through the development of novel and innovative curricular development in pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care medicine. Abstracts may be submitted by Program Directors, Associate Program Directors, faculty members, junior faculty, or Fellows within an APCCMPD member fellowship program.

Abstracts submitted for the ATS Innovations Award are eligible for the APCCMPD Award for Novel Fellowship Education Implementation.

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Accepting Abstracts: August 1 - November 1, 2024  

APCCMPD Award for Excellence in Fellowship Program Administration

The APCCMPD Award for Excellence in Fellowship Program Administration recognizes Program Administrators or equivalent roles for outstanding contributions to fellowship program administration through the development of best practices or processes that have been successfully applied to the administrative operations of a pulmonary, critical care, or PCCM fellowship program.

Submission of the abstract will satisfy TAGME requirements for initial certification and maintenance of certification.

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Accepting Abstracts: August 1 - November 1, 2024 

APCCMPD Funding Opportunities

APCCMPD, CHEST, and ATS Education Research Award

The APCCMPD, CHEST, and ATS Education Research Award is a provided up to $25K to fund 1 or 2 Medical Education Research projects. Grants are awarded to Fellows-in-training, junior faculty within 5-years of program completion, Associate Program Directors and/or Program Directors, to fund research projects that further the field of pulmonary, critical care, or pulmonary critical care graduate medical education research.

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Accepting Proposals: August 1 - November 1, 2024 

CHEST and APCCMPD Medical Educator Diversity Scholar Fellowship Award

The CHEST and APCCMPD Medical Educator Diversity Scholar Fellowship Award  provides support and funding for fellow-in-training pursuing a career in medical education, and whose personal experiences and or project goals will significantly contribute to the diversity of the medical educator community. It focuses on creating mentorship opportunities for fellows at institutions with limited resources to train in teaching, formal medical education curricula, and medical education research. The scholarship covers expenses related to training a fellow for an academic career as a medical educator, funding for a year medical education research project, and protected time for an external mentor.

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Accepting Mentee Applications: August 1 - November 1, 2024
Mentor Submissions: Closed May 1, 2024

APCCMPD Achievement Awards

Outstanding Educator Award

APCCMPD members work diligently to foster excellence through training and mentoring of the next generation of pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care physicians. One way to honor peers who demonstrate excellence in the development of future physicians is through the annual Outstanding Educator Award (OEA). This aspirational award recognizes an individual who has devoted a major portion of their professional life to enhancing the practice and profession of pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care medicine through education. The awardee has cultivated achievements for which peer medical educators can aspire. The educator selected for this award has made significant, innovative, and cumulatively outstanding contributions to education. These contributions should include excellence in education beyond the local level, with widespread recognition of the recipient's excellence, which may include teaching, directing, mentoring, writing and speaking abilities, ideally to multiple levels of audiences including medical students, residents and fellowships. Nominees may be self-nominated or be nominated by a peer.

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Accepting Nominations: August 1 - December 1, 2024 

Mid-Career Educator Award

The Mid-Career Educator Award (MCEA) honors mid-career individuals who are actively engaged in enhancing the practice and profession of pulmonary, critical care, and pulmonary critical care medicine through education. The medical educator selected for this award is actively making significant and innovative contributions to education. These contributions should include excellence in education beyond the local level, with recognition of the recipient's excellence, which may include teaching, directing, mentoring, writing and speaking abilities, ideally to multiple levels of audiences including medical students, residents and fellowships at the local, regional and national levels. Candidates should be within 5-15 years of fellowship. Nominees may be self-nominated or be nominated by a peer.

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Accepting Nominations: August 1 - December 1, 2024  

Emerging Educator Award

The APCCMPD honors one or two up-and-coming medical educators through its Emerging Educator Award. Awardees excel in delivering and promoting medical education through various means at the local and regional levels. Awardees are a pulmonary, critical care or pulmonary critical care clinician at the level of Instructor or Assistant Professor (or equivalent), within 1-4 years of fellowship, who spends a majority of their time serving as a clinician-educator. Nominees may be self-nominated or be nominated by a peer.

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Accepting Applications: August 1 - December 1, 2024